Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Journal Entry #1

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning”…Meister Eckhart

So… the beginning of my adventure approaches.
It’s less than two months before starting my journey from Georgia to Maine. 
This is a dream I’ve had for many, many years and the time now feels right.  It’s said that “The miracle isn’t finishing.  The miracle is to have the courage to start.”  With great support from my wife Jane, family and friends, both physical and prayerful, I will take the first step of that 2,181 mile walk. 
As I prepare the excitement mounts.  Encouragement from those who have completed the trail, walked great portions of it, or just may have stood on the trail means so much to me.  Even those skeptics who wonder if I’ve lost my mind to think of doing this without using a car have been very kind and listened to my plans with patience and the promise to come to my aid/or bail me out if the need arises.
I plan to include prayers for specific family and friends each day of the hike completed.  I’ve told a few that I would never quit on their day, so I’m depending somewhat on this promise to give me the strength and courage to continue. 
I was also told by a young fellow at REI in Asheville that if I do quit it must be on a sunny beautiful day after a good meal.
Things here on the blog will be somewhat quiet until I actually do something, other than prepare to go to two weddings, see Emily in Oklahoma and visit Harry Potter World, but please check in with words of wisdom or otherwise as the Spirit moves you.

Roger (Trail name TBD)


  1. You're our hero, Uncle Rog! I think we should all submit trail names for you and you can choose from among them. I'll be thinking of names and can't wait to follow your fantastic journey! Love Debbie xo.

  2. If hiking the trail were easy more people would do it. Just like completing a marathon, which you've done. You're right, courage is starting this journey. Determination is finishing it, where ever you decide the finish line is. You have both! We'll be thinking of you as you prepare for and hike the trail. When you cross the Tennessee line you give us a shout if there's anything you need. If you're here during a weekend it would be fun to visit you on the trail. Our best, Leslie & Chris and boys

  3. Dad, I am so proud of you for even considering this journey! It will be great to "follow" you on this wonderful blog. You are are an inspiration to all of us. I love you. Jill

  4. Wow, Rog...I think you are really going
    to do this. We are so proud of you and
    will follow your journey the whole way.
    Steve says he will meet you coming the
    opposite direction (yeh...REALLY!!) Maybe
    we can meet you somewhere along the way.
    Godspeed. Babs and Steve

  5. You rock Uncle Rog!! I want to go too. Have the best time...I'll be following. Love, Mary Ellen

  6. Hey Uncle Rog,
    The best of luck to you on this astounding journey and lifelong dream. Enjoy every step of the way, and Tom and I will be checking in frequently to see what adventures you're having. We're sure this will be a life-changing, life-affirming, and profound experience for you, and the family. You'll never regret it! Off you go!
    Rich and Tom

  7. You have to leave the city of your comfort
    and go into the wilderness of your intuition.
    What you'll discover will be wonderful.
    What you'll discover is yourself.

    ~ Alan Alda ~

  8. Follow you dream right to the end of the trail. You are an inspiration to us all. This will be a wonderful journey~enjoy it every step of the way!
    Doreen, Rob, and Danny
    XO XO XO

  9. Roger, best wishes for a beautiful adventure. We wish you strength, peace and happiness. Tim & Peggy

  10. Rog, you are amazing; you have always been amazing and you continue to be so. Enjoy the adventures on the trail and the journey of your soul - I look forward to your thoughts - and don't stop on my day! Happy Trails! We'll catch up with you in Connecticut! love terri

  11. Hi Rog, I just linked up with your blog and am looking forward to following your stories. Good luck!

  12. Happy to see Spot moving along. I have a question: how will you keep your iPhone charged up? Do you have something solar? Hope it's not too cold where you are; it's cold here in Ohio.

  13. I was wondering the same thing. Maybe he's keeping it turned off during the hikes. I know he said he would write once a day, hopefully the phone will hold out until he can plug it in.
