Monday, September 12, 2011

Journal Entry # 167

Sunday, September 11 -.Day 171 - Mile 1947.9 (No change - ZERO at Nick & Janel's)
10th anniversary of 9/11.

The day dawned sunny and cool. (43 degrees)  Nick & Janel had a very full day so they gave us their car to use and we were off to resupply.

We had a great time. First a substantial breakfast then to an outfitter and on to Wal-Mart to resupply.  I even had  my hair cut, which hasn't happened since our visit with Teri & Jon in July.

We covered a lot of territory and enjoyed beautiful landscapes at every turn on this picture postcard day.  The area Nick & Janel live in is amazing.  We of course stopped at McDonalds for a shake and finished our excursion by visiting Rangeley and another outfitter finishing with a light lunch.  Since we didn't hike today there's a good chance we gained a pound or two.

We returned home mid afternoon, packed new supplies and cleaned gear on their front porch in wonderful sunshine.

Janel gave us a tour of leftovers this morning so we were able to take care of ourselves (more or less) for dinner.

The family came back from a reception with even more food for us hungry hikers.

Once again, later in the evening Janel laid out an array of snacks and sandwiches for our slack pack tomorrow that would warm the hearts of any hiker.  She even baked a loaf of bread.  All of this was after a full family day out with church and an afternoon reception. Whew!  Makes hiking look easy.

We've been so comfortable here. I can't imagine anything more that could have been done for us.
Tomorrow we'll have what is likely our last slack pack of the hike from Route 17 to Route 4.  Should be a great day.  This will then leave us on our own for the final 220 miles of this adventure.  I know this leaves all of you following this blog with concerns about our welfare now that our long string of wonderful hosts has finally run out.  We're concerned too, but as Buffalo Bobby says...every day can't be perfect. (we've been doing pretty good though for the last 171 days)

With thoughts if that I'll call it a day.

Love, Peace, Joy & Hope,
Trolley Stop

Our hosts for the great long weekend - Silas, Janel, Adelaid, Cody, and Nick Baser


Third pair of boots meet their end

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING MAINE!!! And welcome Double Check to the LEG! Any word on Guardian's foot? Sending back-up fortitude for the challenging terrain in Maine, though I'm happy to see you have plenty of your own :). Glad you have new hiking shoes, a haircut, and some extra pounds to take you forward. This may be the hardest part of the Trail, but it's definitely the most exciting: we're with you all the way, Gentlemen!!! Love Deb & Ken.
