Saturday, April 30, 2011

Journal entry #34

Saturday, April 30 - Day 37 - Mile 339.9- Erwin, TN

Wow!  68.1 miles from Hot Springs in 4 days. We had planned 5 1/2 days originally but the hiking weather  was good and we did long miles each day.

Tonight we're in a hostel called Jonnie's just off the trail with lots of old and new friends. Once again we went Mexican for dinner.

Learned from Guardian that he's going to take a break from the trail when I checked my email. We'll all miss him .

We're getting a bit spoiled by this recent stretch of good weather. Hope it lasts a while.

Trolley Stop

Johnny's Hostel - Erwin


  1. Wow, that's 17 miles per day: what progress! Aunt Eileen sent me the link to "Trail Days" at Damascus: where you are headed May 13-15, and the annual "World's Largest Backpacking Event:"

    So sad Guardian will be taking a break from the trail: I know you'll miss him. Bobby Luning wrote me and said you guys are having a great time out there and seem as young as college kids. I think that path is the Fountain of Youth!

    Love Deb & Ken.

  2. You're eating so much Mexican food out there they should rename the Trail "El Rasto" ("the Trail" in spanish)! Is that cuisine so popular along the Trail because it's healthy rice & beans, and energy-rich carbs? I'm happy to see you're eating so well on the Trail, because I had a vision of you eating dehydrated cardboard-like astronaut food you could carry in your pack. -Deb.

  3. Hey UR: Today, May 4, is our 26th wedding anniversary and it occurred to me that nearly qualifies us as "Thru Hikers," yes? Haha, we're living life out here vicariously through you...Love Deb & Ken.
