Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Journal entry #176

Tuesday, September 20 - Day 180 - Mile 2057.5 - Horseshoe Canyon Lean-to
Great hike today. Almost 16 miles which included two fords and the usual wet conditions on the trail.
The day started off overcast and chilly. We did get a bit of rain but not enough to spoil the day. The sun even came out for a bit this afternoon.
Tonight is our last night in the woods before hitting Monson, ME. We'll clean up and resupply for the 100 mole wilderness which we should be well into by this weekend.
It's hard to believe we've made it this far.
The shelter area tonight is much nicer than we had in our stealth camp last evening. It's only 4:00 PM so we have lots of time to rest and cook before bedtime. It's getting dark before 7:00 PM so we're getting to bed earlier & earlier. Evidently 6 minutes earlier each night.
I'm going to start my dinner and then relax and prepare for our hike into Monson on the morning.
Trolley Stop

Tenting at Horseshoe Canyon Lean-to Area

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